LA County Close Up 225 B
On the first episode of El Condado Contigo—LA County’s new Spanish language news-magazine show, meet...
14:04Teachers Dive Into STEM, LA vs. Hate mural, Back to School Backpack giveaway, LA vs. Hate sandcastle...
16:49In-home vaccinations, Library vaccinations, Bell Health Center Opens, Marina Del Rey Library Reopens...
10:07Team Hope at the Fairplex, Parks Are For Everyone, Vaccination Event at Church, Pet Adoptions, My Jo...
11:04Home visit vaccinations, Teens get vaccinated, LA vs. Hate, Lunch at the library, My Job in 60 Secon...
09:22Beach evacuation system, Skid Row Mental Health teams, Vaccinations and a Haircut, Essential Jobs in...
08:06Reopening the county, Juneteenth Celebration, Bruce's Beach update, Care First Village opens, My Job...
16:28Boys & Girls Club partners with LACDA, Vaccine Pop-Up at Homeboys Industries, Sirens of Silence, My...
09:45LGBT food pantry event, New dog park groundbreaking, Libraries are reopening, Stanford housing, West...