Ford Theatres Live

Ford Theatres Live 17 Bellydance Evolution

FANTASM - ODYSSEY OF DREAMS The timeless tales of Scheherazade and the heroes of Arabian folklore will be reimagined for the Ford stage as we follow Sinbad on his voyages across imaginative worlds. More than 20 dancers will pull from a variety of Middle Eastern and contemporary folkloric dance styles to bring these mythical characters to life, set to an original score by Paul Dinletir, audiomachine’s co-founder and head composer.


SoCal Prep Report 2015-2021 SoCal Prep Report Ep341 9/04/2019


WHLA Week of 07-15 to 08-04

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1915 Space 2.0 by Rod Pyle

Between The Lines - Space 2.0 by Rod Pyle

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1914 Thoracic Surgeon by Dr Bradley Allen

Between The Lines - Thoracic Surgeon by Dr Bradley Allen

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1913 Back in Control by Dr David Hanscom

Between The Lines - Back in Control by Dr David Hanscom

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1912 Designated Survivor by Dr Neal Baer

Between The Lines - Designated Survivor by Dr Neal Baer

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1911 A Capella by Peter Hollens

Between The Lines - A Capella by Peter Hollens

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1910 Pontchartrain Beach by Bryan Batt

Between The Lines - Pontchartrain Beach by Bryan Batt

Between The Lines Between The Lines 1909 Red Hotel by Gary Grossman

Between The Lines - Red Hotel by Gary Grossman


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