Ford Theatres Live

Ford Theatres Live 17 Bellydance Evolution

FANTASM - ODYSSEY OF DREAMS The timeless tales of Scheherazade and the heroes of Arabian folklore will be reimagined for the Ford stage as we follow Sinbad on his voyages across imaginative worlds. More than 20 dancers will pull from a variety of Middle Eastern and contemporary folkloric dance styles to bring these mythical characters to life, set to an original score by Paul Dinletir, audiomachine’s co-founder and head composer.


Let's Go LA Let's Go LA 15 Leimert Park

Let's Go LA - Leimert Park

LA ArtZone LA ArtZone 15 The Armory Center for the Arts

LA ArtZone - The Armory Center for the Arts

Let's Go LA Let's Go LA 15 Castaic Lake Paddling

Let's Go LA - Castaic Lake Paddling

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