Ford Theatres Live

Ford Theatres Live 17 Bellydance Evolution

FANTASM - ODYSSEY OF DREAMS The timeless tales of Scheherazade and the heroes of Arabian folklore will be reimagined for the Ford stage as we follow Sinbad on his voyages across imaginative worlds. More than 20 dancers will pull from a variety of Middle Eastern and contemporary folkloric dance styles to bring these mythical characters to life, set to an original score by Paul Dinletir, audiomachine’s co-founder and head composer.


Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Living Large by Michael Berman

Between The Lines - Living Large by Michael Berman

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Outside the Box by Lynn Sherr

Between The Lines - Outside the Box by Lynn Sherr

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Paint It Black by Janet Fitch

Between The Lines - Paint It Black by Janet Fitch

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Radical Collaboration by James Tamm

Between The Lines - Radical Collaboration by James Tamm

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Seducing The Demon by Erica Jong

Between The Lines - Seducing The Demon by Erica Jong

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 The Blind Side by Michael Lewis

Between The Lines - The Blind Side by Michael Lewis

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 The Golden Apple by Kathy Aaronson

Between The Lines - The Golden Apple by Kathy Aaronson

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 The Heart Speaks by Dr. Mimi Guaneri

Between The Lines 07 The Heart Speaks by Dr. Mimi Guaneri

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 The History of the End of the World by Jonathon Kirsch

Between The Lines - The History of the End of the World by Jonathon Kirsch


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