Ford Theatres Live

Ford Theatres Live 17 Pacifico Dance Company

MEXICO, DE TIERRA A MAR Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, Pacífico Dance Company will present an evening exploring early Mexican history, myth and folktales through a signature blend of traditional and contemporary dance movements. The Ford stage will be transformed into Mictlan, a mythical Aztec world, to recount the rise of the fifth sun. One folktale that will be told through dance is that of La Llorona, the weeping woman, a spine-chilling urban legend about a scorned woman who dies of a broken heart that permeates Hispanic world culture. Pacífico will be accompanied by the musical talent of Mariachi Los Toros, a dynamic group of professional musicians whose passion for music is as evident as Pacífico’s devotion to the preservation of cultural roots through dance.


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CSUN Valley View News - Fall 23 01 09-18 to 09-24-23

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