LA County Close Up

El Condado Con Tigo EP20

En este programa de El Condado Contigo, conoceremos la historia de Jose Maria Rios Espada -- un hombre de la tercera edad que, a pesar de que es muy trabajador, se encontró teniendo que vivir en su auto, pero gracias a la ayuda de una organización, ahora está triunfando. Además, un nuevo programa está entrenando a personas para que sean embajadores del Metro. También, el Condado de Los Ángeles llevó a cabo un entrenamiento masivo, que podría salvar vidas. Y finalmente, conozca cómo el departamento del Sheriff del Condado de los Ángeles está entrenando a sus oficiales, para asegurar que publicó este más seguro durante una persecución.


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Between The Lines - Executive Treason by Gary Grossman

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Between The Lines - Goal Free Living by Stephen Shapiro

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Hip Hop High School by Alan Sitomer

Between The Lines - Hip Hop High School by Alan Sitomer

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 It Might Have Been What He Said by Eden Collinsworth

Between The Lines - It Might Have Been What He Said by Eden Collinsworth

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Jack Kennedy by Barbara Leaming

Between The Lines - Jack Kennedy by Barbara Leaming

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Let's Face It by Kirk Douglas

Between The Lines - Let's Face It by Kirk Douglas

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Letters To A Young Brother by Hill Harper

Between The Lines - Letters To A Young Brother by Hill Harper

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Living Large by Michael Berman

Between The Lines - Living Large by Michael Berman

Between The Lines Between The Lines 07 Outside the Box by Lynn Sherr

Between The Lines - Outside the Box by Lynn Sherr


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