LA County Close Up

LA County Close Up 073

On this episode...Dedicate soccer fans return to the stadium, and ways to shed those pandemic pounds.


LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-25-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-25-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-25-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-25-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-24-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-24-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-23-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-12-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-20-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-20-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-19-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-19-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-18-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 03-18-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - PSA; Mark Ridley Thomas's Message on COVID 36

LA County Presents - PSA; Mark Ridley Thomas's Message on COVID 36

LA County Presents LA County Presents - PSA; Hilda Solis's Message on COVID 36

LA County Presents - PSA; Hilda Solis's Message on COVID 36


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