LA County Presents

LA ArtZone - 2208 Santa Monica Pier

A true landmark & destination for more than a century, we look at the Pier’s impact on the local arts and culture community. The programs that help people connect while also celebrating the Pier’s storied past. We interview a man who’s made a lifelong career at the Pier after one visit decades ago and has literally written the book on this iconic Southern California spot.


LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 050

LA County Close Up 050

Piscitelli Films Presents Piscitelli Films Presents - Path of the Daffodils

Piscitelli Films Presents - Path of the Daffodils

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Los Angeles City Presents - COVID 19 Mayor Update 06-24-20

LA County Presents LA County Presents - Public Health Ethnic Press Conference 06-24-20

LA County Presents - Public Health Ethnic Press Conference 06-24-20

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SoCal Prep Report Ep369 06-29-20

Senior Entertainment Entertaining Older Folks - Episode 03 06-10-20

Entertaining Older Folks - Episode 03 06-10-20

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 049

LA County Close Up 049

LA County Presents LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 06-22-20

LA County Presents - COVID-19 Press Conference 06-22-20

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Dream a New World - Secrets of the Heart Episode 09 Kindness


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