LA County Close Up

EL Condado Con Tigo EP34

EL Condado Con Tigo EP34

LA County Close Up

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 082

Teachers Dive Into STEM, LA vs. Hate mural, Back to School Backpack giveaway, LA vs. Hate sandcastle...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 081

In-home vaccinations, Library vaccinations, Bell Health Center Opens, Marina Del Rey Library Reopens...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 080

Team Hope at the Fairplex, Parks Are For Everyone, Vaccination Event at Church, Pet Adoptions, My Jo...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 079

Home visit vaccinations, Teens get vaccinated, LA vs. Hate, Lunch at the library, My Job in 60 Secon...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 078

Beach evacuation system, Skid Row Mental Health teams, Vaccinations and a Haircut, Essential Jobs in...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 077

Reopening the county, Juneteenth Celebration, Bruce's Beach update, Care First Village opens, My Job...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 076

Boys & Girls Club partners with LACDA, Vaccine Pop-Up at Homeboys Industries, Sirens of Silence, My...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 075

LGBT food pantry event, New dog park groundbreaking, Libraries are reopening, Stanford housing, West...

LA County Close Up LA County Close Up 074

On this episode...Beach alert system protects the hearing impaired, and keeping super markets covid...
